Should we close our Zoos - A Response to a Conflicting Issue

The other night, I watched (majority) of a documentary called 'Should We Close Our Zoos?'. The topic of whether or not animals should be kept in a zoo is a heavily debated issue.
I love having the opportunity to see animals up close, and I am also extremely passionate about their welfare, so this issue has always been a conflicting one for myself. Yet, this documentary really helped clarify where I stand.

Host, Liz Bonnin, wonderfully and professionally explored both the pros and cons of zoos and aquariums, and spoke to a range of experts in the field including zoo keepers, conservationists, and primateologist Jane Goodall.
Conservation and care, versus freedom and behaviour were the contrasted ideas featured, and I can definitely understand both.

Sadly there are of course horrible sides to zoos. Footage of a giraffe being culled and fed to lions was shown in a Copenhagen zoo, and is said to be shamelessly carried out there. Yes, this is something that occurs regularly in nature, however in my opinion, not only is this a cruel practice, but is not how a zoo should be run.

They also spoke about the controversy surrounding Tilikim, the Orca famous from the documentary 'Blackfish'. Unfortunately as I am typing this post, we have only heard a few days ago that Tilikim has sadly passed away. He died in captivity at 36 years old, half the life expectancy of a Killer Whale, apparently suffering from serious health issues. The whale was brought to seaworld after being taken off his mother as just a calf, meaning he spent his whole life away from a natural habitat and being used as a form of entertainment.
Tilikim become known after being involved in the deaths of 3 people, which is of course a terrible tragedy, but were these behavioural issues natural instinct, or a result from spending a life in captivity?

However, Zoos can be a way of protecting animals from dangers such as poachers or environmental changes, or even using science and breeding programs to save a species from becoming extinct.
Obviously comparing to the state of zoos many years ago, these places today are much kinder, and people have much more knowledge about providing sufficient living areas. Not the small, concrete cages animals were viewed in years ago.

One part of the show that really spoke to me was the critical case of the Northern White Rhino. Bonnin went and saw one of the 5 remaining Rhinos left in the world, and it absolutely broke my heart. The amazing part was that they were trying many methods such as breeding and stem cell research to try and re-populate these beautiful animals. This could not be done simply in the wild or without zoo programs.
According to other sources, there are sadly on 3 Northern Rhino's left. We have to come to face the horrible truth that we may loose another incredible species. Action needs to be taken early, not before it's too late!

Essentially, as started as an argument in the documentary, I am saying that zoos should be focusing on the animals best interest. Through continuing to have appropriate living areas, proper care, and being respectful to the animals, not treating them as simply a form of entertainment or viewing tool. We should be preserving all the incredible creatures that we share a planet with, and as long as animal welfare and conservation are the main priority of zoos, then I support them

If you are interested in viewing the full documentary, it is a BBC made program, and you can watch a preview of it here

Remember, we need to use our voices to help make a difference to those who cannot speak - make our zoos conservation programs, not a collection of animals to speculate.

Jess xx

*All images courtesy of Google Images*

Living with Anxiety and Depression | Mental Health Month 2016

Mental Health Month and Mental Health Week occur every year in October, the Monday just gone being Mental Health Day. While this is quite hard for me to put out on the internet, I'm not ashamed to say that I have been dealing with anxiety most of my life, and recently became a sufferer of depression.

I was officially diagnosed in 2012, my parents discovering that I may be depressed in late 2011. In terms of my anxiety, looking back now, it seems that I had been suffering most of my life. I always had trouble with social situations such as family gatherings, and often felt physically ill when being dropped off at places like dance classes. Myself and my parents had always thought I was just shy, but it is now clear that anxiety affected me from a young age.

My anxiety makes it really difficult for me to participate and deal with everyday life, and it seems that the depression is a factor of that. At times I don't even feel I'm in control of my own body, and that I'm not truly myself. Over the years I have seen my GP, multiple psychologists, a specialist, and have been hospitalised. I have been on medication for a while now, which helps me deal a little better, but if I miss a dose or two I really feel the difference.

A lot of sufferers say that their mental illness is not who they are, and I completely understand that. However, at the same time my anxiety and depression is a part of me. I don't want to let it control my life, but I know it's probably something I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. I refuse to rely on medication forever, and don't want my future be affected by feeling uneasy. But I do have a mental illness, and that's okay.

What I am truly sick of is how people perceive a mental illness. It is just as much of an illness as a physical one, and people may have difficulty understanding that because it's not as visible. 3 Million Australian's are living with anxiety or depression, and it affects the suffer everyday of the life. You can feel stupid, and like a burden, because you feel it's all just in your head, but it needs to be emphasised that a mental disorder is nothing to be ashamed of. You don't owe an explanation to anyone.

I have experienced judgement because of this. People I have known all my life have told me I am rude or antisocial, and didn't take the time to understand that I may be undergoing something more. I find simple everyday tasks, such as speaking to someone I know or answering the phone, a massive challenge.
Mental illness is not a choice. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, not choosing to be sad. You body can show signs of being anxious without you even knowing.

It's not laziness, or weakness. People who suffer try to live a normal life. They want to be social with their friends and loved ones, but at times it can be too hard. It's not about 'sucking it up' and accepting that life is hard, they can see that, they just accept and deal with it differently. Plus, feeling as though you are not 'really ill' and it's all in your head makes these feelings worse.

If there is someone in your life who suffers from a mental illness, all you need to do is be there to listen. Just a simple question of asking if they're okay. You may not fulling understand what they're feeling, and that's okay. You just need to be supportive.

At the moment I feel pretty good with myself. I have been making an effort to really put myself into social situations and be productive during the day, but some days this is harder than others. Especially with depression, you tend to think that the happiness you are currently feeling isn't real or going to last. I'm just taking one day at a time, and learning to do things for my own happiness.
Recently I have found an effective way of dealing with my depression, and that's my guinea pigs. Looking after them gives me a purpose to my day, and they never fail to make me smile. I truly feel a lot happier since getting them, even my parents have noticed. Simply going outside and playing or cuddling my dog, Bella, can really brighten my day.
I am so lucky to have supportive people in my life who accept what I am going through, and take the time to understand and help me.


Here are some of my favourite YouTube Videos that talk about Mental Illness

This video by Jack Harries spoke to me straight away, and I wish everyone could watch it. He mentions a quote taken from Kevin Breen - We live in a world where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people youre depressed, everyone runs the other way.” 
It is such a true representation of how depressed may often be perceived. It is an illness just like any other, and should be seen that way.

When I found out that someone I look up to suffers with anxiety, it made me feel like I wasn't suffering alone. In this video, Zoe Sugg speaks out about what it's like living with anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety and panic attacks can stop you from living your life, and make you seem disconnected from the world, and Zoe explains that perfectly,
Zoe also wrote a blog post about Panic Attacks, which you can read here, and recent post about her Anxiety, which you can find here

Damon Fizzy helped me deal with having anxiety and depression, and I watched him constantly throughout 2012 when I was first diagnosed. He helped me when I was feeling down, or when I just needed someone to make me smile. As Damon is a experiencing something similar, he always made me feel like I wasn't alone, I can never thank him enough for all he did for me. 


If you need Support -

Different things work for different people, and that may take some time. But know that there are so many people who care for you, and are able to offer support.

Beyond Blue - Beyond Blue is a fantastic support service. It offers a range of information for suffers, and family and friends, and it contains an anxiety and depression checklist to measure whether you may be affected.

Lifeline Australia - A Crisis Support and Suicide Prevention service offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A simple chat with someone can change so much.

7 Cups of Tea - An anonymous and confidential online counselling service, that is great for if you're feeling overwhelmed. You may need to get something off your chest, need some advice on a problem you're having, or just want someone to have a chat too.

IMAlive - Similar to Lifeline, this is network that offers people to chat with online if you feel you are in a moment of crisis.

Sometimes you may be feeling overwhelmed and just need to escape from what your experiencing. Listening to meditation or calming sounds can really help with this.
If I'm having an anxiety or a panic attack while I'm out, I use the Smiling Mind app on my phone, which is spoken meditation to help you feel relaxed and calm.
Websites such as Calm and Soundrown are also great to help feel calmer and focused through sounds such as rain, fire, birds, ect. (and I find really help when studying too)

You can even speak to your local GP, who can also suggest options and refer you to professionals you can see.

Lastly, if you have a family member or friend you you trust and feel comfortable with; confide with them. Or something as simple as writing everything down in a book. I find if I take a moment to write down what I'm going through, I feel as though I'm getting things off my chest.

Jess xx

Related Links:

Meeting Dinosaurs at Jurassic World: The Exhibition

My inner child (and 22 year old self) was very happy and exited seeing the Jurassic World Exhibition a few days ago! As a kid, I was an absolute dinosaur geek; I had a bag full of plastic dinosaurs which I use to play with outside and build houses for. So when I saw the Melbourne Museum was holding a Jurassic World Exhibition complete with giant animatronic dinosaurs, I knew I would regret not going!

Mum and I got there around lunch time, later than we would have hoped, and sessions were already selling out (it was the last few days, plus grand final weekend). We were lucky that we got tickets to the 4:30 session, and this gave us time to look around the museum. We use to come here all the time when I was younger, and I forgot how much I loved it!

We made our way to line up around 4:20, and didn't get into the exhibition until around 5:30! The line was insane! But that did not stop my excitement..

After getting a photo looking scared on a green screen, we begin the exhibition! We all walked in a room that was set up as a simulation to appear as though we were travelling on a boat to the island. A lady on a screen was broadcasting 'live' and explaining to us what we can expect from the park.

The doors then opened and we were lead through the entrance of the park, and to the first dinosaur encounter; a Brachiosaurus! It was gigantic, and only showed from the neck up. The excitement definitely picked up here, and even though they were animatronics they looked so real and it made me so happy to really see them.
As you walked on, there was another dinosaur hiding in amongst the trees (I didn't see the name of the species, but I think it might have been a Parasaurolophus)

You then walked into another room which had a Triceratops with her baby behind a fence. This is one of my favourite dinosaurs, so I was so excited to see one! It was really amazing how not only did their heads move, but their eyes blinked and they moved their legs! They were just stunning!

Next, you walked into a lab that contained eggs, baby dinosaurs, and experiments and discoveries. It looked so cool!
To exit this room, there was a door saying there was a show starting every few minutes. As you went through, you were led into a small theatre like room where the lady on the screen was talking more about the park and giving information about the t-rex species. Suddenly, a red alert went off saying that a dinosaur had escaped. The lights behind us started flashing and the door suddenly opened. Mum and I were expecting a dinosaur to break in during the suspense, but then a man poked his head around the corner and said to follow him. Definitely anti-climatic!

In this room there was a truck, and the sound of a goat. Lights started flashing and a Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared and made it's way towards the truck. It started pushing at it, trying to get something to eat. This was a really exciting aspect of the exhibition. Mum said, even though you know it's not real, you do feel a little scared, considering how small and vulnerable we are compared to them, and I completely agree.

The next part contained my other favourite dinosaur, a Stegosaurus. It was beautiful, and so huge! Plus, the plates on it's back were amazing.
Then there was a light and the sound of a helicopter, followed by an appearance of the lady on the screen, saying there was another situation and everyone had to evacuate. Another carnivorous dinosaur appeared, which had been genetically created, and was acting angrily and scaring the Stegosaurus.

You then made your way between both the dinosaurs in a dark tunnel, and exited into the final room. It contained a model of a dinosaur femur, information about discoveries around Australia, and a recent bone they discovered in Victoria, which was very cool!

I was a little disappointed that we had already reached the end :( (mum and I even went back so we could see them one more time..)
I wanted to buy something little from the gift shop to remember this, so I got a little triceratops to go on my keys.

I am so happy I got to see this amazing exhibition, although I do wish it had gone on for a bit longer.. Plus I was so excited seeing the dinosaurs that I didn't really read any of the information which I was a little annoyed at myself about. Also, because everything was happening you wanted to keep making your way through, so I kind of wish I had more time to enjoy it. However, I still think it was definitely worth the money, and I loved every second of it!

Because it was such an inclusive exhibition, you really felt as though you were apart of it!
I could not stop smiling through out the whole thing. I felt like a little kid in complete awe!

The environment of it was amazing, the dinosaurs were beautiful and the animatronics were incredible, and I was completely immersed the whole time. I had such a wonderful day, and loved getting to share it with my mum.

I find learning about Dinosaurs so interesting! They were truly such amazing and stunning creatures, and maybe one day I may even get to study them even more.

I also filmed the experience to edit into a little vlog, which you can watch below :)

Jess xx

*Photography/Footage taken by me, however all rights go to Melbourne Museum and the Jurassic World Franchise*

Guinea Pig Surprise!

A while back I made a post about my guinea pigs, Newt and Gus (which you can view here if you haven't already). 
A few weeks ago I noticed that Gus' stomach had become bloated. This got me worried, as bloating is very dangerous to guinea pigs. He was eating fine and passing his food, so I decided to keep a close eye on him, and if he had no improvements I would take him to the vet and find out what was going on.

I thought it could be one of two things; bloating, or Gus was actually a girl and he was pregnant! I often had a look at him, and could swear that I could feel babies. Plus his was only large in the tummy area..

So on Saturday the 3rd, I booked an appointment at the vet, and took him down to get checked out.
It didn't take the vet long to diagnose Gus as being a girl!! And she was in fact pregnant! Of course it was a surprise, and not exactly what I wanted, as I bought Gus as a boy, but I would much rather that then him (I mean her!) being unwell. So I'm just glad she's healthy!

I would also like to thank the wonderful vet, Candice, at Best Friends Pet Centre. It can be difficult to determine the gender of a guinea pig at a young age, and Candice was so helpful and good to us!

As I named Gus after the Fault in Our Stars, it only seemed perfect to rename her Hazel (and it matches her fur colour!)

So after that, I was anxiously checking each day to see if there were any babies. Newt was being so good, giving her space and sitting outside protecting her. Plus, it now made sense why our dog Bella got use to Newt, but never Hazel! Animals have an amazing intuition, she obviously knew!

Finally, on Thursday night, the 8th of September, when checking the guinea pigs before going to bed, I lifted up the top of their bed to see three newborn baby guinea pigs!
They were so precious! Obviously as newborn babies, they were squinting and working out how to walk, it was such a beautiful scene!
Hazel gave birth to two brown babies, with different white markings, and a grey and white one. They are so cute and tiny, and I love watching them hop around the cage and following mum! They're currently still feeding of Hazel, but have just started eating pallets and vegetables as well, which I didn't expect so soon.

Sadly, I now have to separate Newt and put him in the downstairs level of the cage, because he can get Hazel pregnant again. But I am planning on getting him de-sexed, so they will be back together soon. They definitely miss each other, and Newt can get a bit stressed from time to time, especially with wanting to see the babies. So I make sure to give him lots of cuddles!
I am also unsure if I will be able to keep the babies.. the pet shop I bought Newt and Hazel from (which was also the vet I took her to), have kindly offered to take them off me when they are old enough. But now I'm starting to become attached to them, and I couldn't bare to separate them from each other, and Newt and Hazel.. However, the only way I will be able to keep them is if they are all girls, to prevent anymore surprise pregnancies! So fingers crossed.. I may have already made the mistake of thinking of some names..

So it's definitely been an exciting two weeks in my household, and I'm enjoying this exciting and cute time with my piggies!
And I'm finally used to referring to her as Hazel, and as a girl!

I'm so proud of Hazel for giving birth to three beautiful pups, and for being a new mummy! And to Newt for being a new dad!

I love my Newty Boy, Hazel Nut, and new three gorgeous babies!

Jess xx

Melbourne Writers Festival 2016

As you most likely already know from this blog, I want to be a writer and publish my own stories in the future. This year I heard of the great event known as the Melbourne Writers Festival by discovering an author I loved was going, and knew I had to be there.

I was lucky enough to have the events I wanted to go to, happening on one Sunday of the ten day festival, and that was seeing authors Rainbow Rowell (Fangirl, Eleanor and Park, Carry On) and David Levithan (Will Grayson Will Grayson, Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist, The Lover's Dictionary).

First up I went to a talk featuring both Rainbow and David, 'YA Superstars'. Some of my favourite books are Young Adult novels, and are something I would love to write, so I found this very interesting and inspiring. However, the best part of this talk was when Rainbow and David both read excerpts from their novels You Know Me Well and Carry On, it was fantastic and hilarious! Both authors worked really well together, and it was a really intriguing talk.

Following that, I got to meet the authors and have my books (Fangirl and Will Grayson Will Grayson) signed, which was very exciting, but I was also a bit nervous!
I also wanted to make sure I could learn at least one thing from these wonderful authors.

When meeting Rainbow Rowell, I wanted to let her know that her book Fangirl showed me that even at 22, it was okay to be my geeky self. I then asked her how she uses inspiration from other works to create her own without replicating it, and she told me that when you go to write, it will all come out through yourself.
Fangirl also helped me with accepting my social anxiety, so it was wonderful being able to see the author who did that for me.

I then got to meet David Levithan, who was lovely! I discovered him through his collaboration with John Green on the novel Will Grayson Will Grayson, which I just could not put down. I asked him if he finds it better to plan a story or to just start writing and see what comes. He said that your usually one or the other, and he was giving me his perspective from both an author and a publisher. And I think I was so nervous, that I forgot his actual answer!!

Later on in the day I went to my second talk featuring Rainbow Rowell and Lev Grossman, which was all about Fantasy! I am a huge fan of fantasy stories, and would just love to write my own world one day! I really enjoyed this talk, and loved how it featured so many references to other fantasy books including Harry Potter and Narnia.
There were two notes in regards to writing fantasy books that I took away from this seminar:

  • - The Ice-Berg Theory; Just like an ice berg, the fantasy novel can have 10% of the story, and then 90% of that world that the reader doesn't see. A good fantasy book is when the author makes reference and shows the reader that is another 90% to the world, beyond what they're reading.

  • - A good fantasy book is not one that completely forgets about reality and creates a whole different world, but one that acknowledges reality exists and shows a world to escape that.

I also wanted to see Graham Base, who wrote some amazing books from my childhood such as Animalia and The Waterhole, but unfortunately, I couldn't find a talk or signing he was doing on the Sunday.
But I did see Yann Martel doing his signing (but I didn't go), who wrote Life of Pie. A really good book I studied in Year 12. He would have been very inspiring to listen to.

My only criticism about the festival would be that I think it would work slightly better if it was held like Pop Culture Conventions, at the Showgrounds or Convention Centre. I can understand Federation Square is great for the cultural side to it, and it most likely works better to hold all the talks. I just think if it would be better all held in the one place, 'under the same roof', and there could be book and nerdy merch stalls. That would be amazing!

Mum and I were also really excited to see the Roald Dahl exhibition, but sadly it was only about three boards with different book cover canvases..

Overall, I had a really lovely day, especially getting to spend it with my family.

I learnt a lot, and was influenced by some amazing, creative people. I do hope I can attend again next year, and meet some more of my favourite writers.

Jess xx

Related Links
My Goodreads Profile
Melbourne Writers Festival
Rainbow Rowell
David Levithan

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

July 31st, 2016 was the day I never thought I would say the words 'the 8th Harry Potter book has been released!'

While I was of course excited about new Harry Potter content, I was a little sceptical about enjoying it as much, due to it being a playwright rather than a novel. However, that was not the case! I got lost in the world of Harry Potter as much as I did with any of the other books in the series, and really enjoyed reading the new story.

I didn't end up getting the book the day it came out, like the majority of Harry Potter fans (last book release I was lucky enough to get the hardcover of the final book from my dad!) While I definitely went to get it when I was at the book shop, I found it to be sold out at many places. But on the Thursday after the release, I ventured into the beautiful and massive Dymocks in Melbourne and was thrilled to see they had many in stock!

On top of that, the Melbourne Dymocks store had set up the store in celebration of the release! There was so much Harry Potter merch, house flags, floating candles, and classroom set ups! It took me right back to my childhood, when Harry Potter promotion and merchandise was everywhere.
I remember Myer use to have a pop up Harry Potter store within the shop, and I can tell you that I would give anything for that to exist again, I really took it for granted..

Speaking of being a kid again, that's exactly the excitement I felt having a new Harry Potter book in my hands! I just couldn't wait to finish my uni class and get back home to read it.

The following contains spoilers!


One thing about The Cursed Child, was that it gave me closure about the previous Harry Potter stories, so thank you JK Rowling!
Firstly, about Harry, Ron, Hermione, and even Draco; hearing more about their relationships with each other, and their careers.
But also closure about the children; the last book didn't give an insight into what the new generation was like, so it was nice focusing on them in this story. (Although, this book mainly concentrates on Albus Potter and Scorpios Malfoy, and I was left wondering what happened to Teddy Lupin..)

What I also loved about this next instalment was how the plot revolved a lot around Time and incorporated the past events of the Tri Wizards Tournament. It really made me think how much JK Rowling would have worked on the story, and how careful she had to be with details, to connect everything together! And I wonder how long she has know about what happens 19 years later..
Then there's Albus and Scorpios tampering with the past to right Harry's wrong, and prevent Cedric from being killed, and in turn, completely changing the future! I love how JK Rowling incorporated how important Neville was to the story. Considering he could easily have been the chosen one, and if he died, there would have been no one to kill Nagini and Voldemort would live! I was on the edge of my seat reading these parts of the story, and it was absolutely stressing me out!

But undoubtedly the biggest twist in The Cursed Child was, who I believe, the title cursed child was. I often speculated what the Harry Potter titles refer to while reading them, and had an assumption that the curse belonged to Albus, or even Harry, but I was completely shocked when I found out who Delphi, truly was.. It was the biggest shock to hear that Voldemort had a daughter.. to Bellatrix Lestrange!

Also, how awesome was Scorpios Malfoy?! He was so sweet and dorky, I loved him!


After closing the book I was left with similar feelings I had the last time the Harry Potter story finished.. I just laid on the floor, wondering what to do with my life now..?
That's the frustrating thing about a good book, you want to finish it.. but at the same time, you really don't!

I have to thank JK Rowling once again for bringing us back to the wonderful, magical world! Harry Potter will not only be a huge part of my time growing up, but it will always be a part of my life.

I now hope that I get the opportunity to see the play in the near future!

Let me know in the comments what you thought of The Cursed Child, and how excited you were for a new Harry Potter story!

Now I'm probably going to have yet another Harry Potter movie marathon, and wonder why I still haven't received my Hogwarts letter..

Jess xx

Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. - JK Rowling

Glitter and Great music: Troye Sivan's Memorable Melbourne show

I've been a massive fan of Troye Sivan and his YouTube videos for a few years now, and when he released his first single, I knew I had to see him in concert the day he did a tour. That dream came true last Tuesday the 9th of August, as I, along with a face full of glitter, got to see the Blue Neighbourhood tour!

I was pretty happy with the seating tickets I got, as it was a good view of the stage. Plus, a new shirt to add to my tour merch collection as a reminder of the amazing night :)

The show opened with a combination of electropop music and red and blue lighting, followed by the supporting act Nicole Millar. I'll be honest and say I hadn't heard of her, until she played her well known song with Peking Duk 'High'. She did a great performance!
After a short break (which was unusual for a concert!) Troye's very own brother, Tyde Levi took the stage. With his upbeat DJ set, Tyde knew how to get the crowed excited, and it was impossible to sit down during it! I'm not a big club/party person, but really enjoyed dancing to that style of music in this environment. I really enjoyed Tyde's performance, but was of course excited to finally see Troye..

The house lights changed to blue, the arena filled with smoke, and a single spotlight came up on the artist everyone was waiting to see. Troye began the show with his song Bite, his overall set containing a total of 15 songs.

Probably the most amazing moment in the show for me, was when Troye first spoke to the audience. He started by saying how Melbourne was the biggest show he had down so far, (in fact breaking the record for the biggest attendance for a music event in this arena) and how 'little baby Troye' would not believe how all this had happened. Following Troye for such a long time, there was such a sense of pride and happiness I felt seeing him up on that stage!

A few days before the show, Troye had asked the Melbourne crowd to put glitter on their faces and bring pride flags to the show, as it was his six year anniversary of his coming out. Troye then made a beautiful speech about his life as a young gay person, and how he has come to realise that if he shouldn't have to change who he is. This lead into his song, Heaven, which after hearing it live has now become one of my favourite songs on the Blue Neighbourhood album. It is such a beautiful song, and became even more special hearing it sung live as Troye danced around the stage waving a pride flag.
Troye is spreading an incredible message, and is using this platform as a great way to raise awareness. While I am not gay and it is not my lifestyle choice, I one hundred percent support Troye. What gives me the right to deny someone else to be with or marry the person they love? When I found out Troye was gay, it didn't change my opinion of him, I loved him more for the fact that he was being true to himself.

I had to film Happy Little Pill; the excitement of hearing his first official single live at his first Australian arena tour, which was done as a chilling acoustic rendition.

After leaving the stage, Troye came back to loud chant of his name by his hundreds of supporters,  to a song I was waiting to hear! Lost Boy is probably my favourite song on the album, and it was just wondrous!
He then finished his show with slightly changed version of Youth, the crowed yelling the lyrics back at him.

Not only is Troye a beautiful singer, but a truly incredible lyricist. How he represents the themes of his songs through certain wording and the way he strings them all together just amazes me. As a reader and writer, I really appreciate the artistic way Troye expresses himself through the lyrics he writes.

Just wow.
I felt so alive at this concert, and I am so happy I can add another cross to my bucket list.

I cannot even begin to say how amazing it all was. I am so proud of how far Troye has come, working so hard and overcoming so many obstacles. I can't wait to see what bigger things the future has for this wonderful person.
It was the most spectacular night, and it felt wonderful supporting him with a face of glitter!

Jess xx

Check out Troye's Videos here
Troye Sivan - YouTube